v24.10 (2024-10-06)
Fix: Flatpak restore removes the file “nosnap.pref”
Fix: Don’t exclude packages starting with “lib” and “dev” in name
Fix: Flatpak version support
Don’t list snaps after Flatpak restore
Inform user to save backups to another location instead of home
v24.08 (2024-08-04)
Fix: Increase size of Settings window to fit window contents
Fix: Remove “nosnap.pref” only if snapd is selected for restore
v24.05 (2024-05-26)
Snap: Install snap files with
Snap: Install snap files for core packages before app packages
Repo: Ignore ubuntu.sources
v24.02.1 (2023-02-27)
Fix: Enable user input for terminal (regression added in v24.02)
v24.02 (2023-02-25)
Repo: Don’t warn if release file is not found for current codename
Packages: Don’t exclude development lib packages (lib*-dev)
Flatpak: Unhold package ‘flatpak’ before installing it
Snap: Unhold package ‘snapd’ before installing it
Snap: Backup and restore from snap files
Icon,Themes,Fonts: Include items from base distribution in backups instead of excluding them
Use Gtk HeaderBar for all windows
Terminal: Move actions to the headerbar
v24.01.1 (2023-01-14)
Fix: Update version number in UI
v24.01 (2023-01-07)
Packages: Fix an issue with parsing of initial-files.list
Packages: Fix delay in loading package list when run for first time
v23.11 (2023-11-12)
Repo: Fix detection for Launchpad PPAs
Repo: Check for release file before adding PPA
Repo: Don’t retry if PPA does not have packages for release
Fix warnings for string_strip assertions
v23.07 (2023-07-01)
Home: Prune older archives for each user separately
Snap: Hide extra columns
Users: Suppress Ubuntu’s Welcome app on login as ‘aptik’ user
Users: Fixed a corner case where users were not restored correctly if 2 users on the new system had each other’s UID on the previous system
Apt: Improve detection of default packages for Debian 12
Misc: Add option to backup and restore MySQL data and settings
Use symbolic icons for message bar
v22.11 (2022-11-19)
Fix: Home: Re-do the backup if Prune action reduces size by more than 90%
Don’t restore users and groups that are not of same type (regular or system) on the old system and new system
v22.10 (2022-10-15)
Print system info for –backup-all and –restore-all
Print Aptik and Borg version in log
Add warning in script ‘’ to use the script only if Aptik cannot be installed on new system
Users & groups: Assume UID_MAX and GID_MAX to be system user and group
Improve detection of default packages for LMDE, MX Linux, PopOS, and Elementary OS.
v22.06.3 (2022-08-07)
Snap: Fix: Don’t fetch extended info when listing packages
v22.06.2 (2022-08-07)
Snap: Fix: Channel is truncated when saved in backup list
Snap: Remove ‘nosnap.pref’ before installing snapd
Improve launcher; Try with pkexec, pkexec env, gksu, and sudo
License Window: Show border around input box
v22.06.1 (2022-07-02)
Flatpak: Use flatpakrepo URI for importing remote
Terminal: Use darker background; Reduce spacing;
v22.06 (2022-06-26)
Users: Restore: Restore user account even if the username contains capitals or unwanted characters
Flatpak: Backup: Fix error when parsing remotes for Flatpak v1.2.7
Home & Misc: Compact repo after prune if using Borg v1.2+
Misc: Add support for VMWare images and Python v3.11 modules
v22.04 (2022-04-10)
Redesign Settings window
Link to online docs
Misc: Add support for apache2, dhcp, wifi connections, openssh server settings, transmission-daemon, and ufw rules.
Create a subfolder if backup path has extra files
v21.12.2 (2022-02-13)
Fix: Warn if backup path is not selected
v21.12.1 (2022-01-02)
Update licencing
v21.12 (2021-12-05)
Gtk: Warn if backup path doesn’t exist
Gtk: Warn if backup path contains other data
Gtk: Center the About window
Gtk: Fix device name and file system detection for BTRFS subvolumes
v21.07.2 (2021-08-29)
Show better warning messages for Borg errors
v21.07.1 (2021-08-28)
Update warning messages for backup path selection
Remove dialog box warnings for backup path selection
v21.07 (2021-07-18)
UI: Show filesystem type and free space for backup path
UI: Fix: Section buttons are clickable even if expander is collapsed
UI: Remove dependency on Vimix Gtk theme
UI: Settings: Allow any GTK theme to be selected
Repo: Add support for Deb822 apt sources
Repo: Check and map custom repo for current distro release
Flatpak: Restore: Installing flatpak client without prompting
Flatpak: Fix progress indicator (removed -v switch)
Improve error handling for ‘Home Data’ and ‘Misc’ backups
Fix for new lsblk version
v21.02 (2021-02-21)
APT Cache: Cache is now automatically managed. Remove section button.
Users: Merge sections for Users and Groups
Users: Restore UIDs and GIDs
Files: Files section renamed to Miscellaneous
Misc: Add Docker backup and restore
Misc: Fix: Items not populated in GUI if basepath doesn’t exist.
CLI: Show summary of failed items
CLI: New header style and message box outputs
CLI: Add short-hand commands
v20.08 (2020-08-09)
Script ‘’ in backup path will prompt for confirmation and install dependencies before starting the restore.
Rename section ‘DConf Settings’ to ‘Desktop Settings’
Desktop Settings: Wait 10 seconds for desktop to load
Desktop Settings: Add GUI message window for restoring settings
Add latest version of BorgBackup to repository
Buttons for backup of Snap and Flatpak packages will be disabled if Snap and Flatpak support is not installed
v19.12 (2019-12-14)
Fix: Error “A process is running in terminal” on Linux Lite 4.6
Files: Updated messages and warnings
Files: Prevent addition of top-level dirs
Borg: Fix: Prune operation will exit with an error if password is incorrect
Borg: Fix: Exit app if backup status is non-zero
Flatpak: Fix: Add support for newer Flatpak versions
Flatpak: Fix: First package was always ignored when querying installed packages
Flatpak: Show size column in backup mode
v18.06 (2018-06-30)
Packages: Added dropdown filter for package category
Remember selections for every run
Use radio buttons for selecting UI and backup mode
Added additional checks to verify if backup path is valid
Switch to General page if path is invalid
Fixed scrolling issue with terminal
Mounts: Prompt user for listing crypttab entries on Arch Linux
Fixed build issue with newer version of libvte291
UI improvements
v18.5.2 (2018-05-12)
Added options for selecting UI layout - simple, advanced, and expert
User will be prompted for authorization once on startup
Exit application if terminal is closed or auth prompt is dismissed
Show status animation for some sections instead of switching to terminal window
Added section for Files
Added section for Scripts
UI improvements
v18.5 (2017-05-01)
New release after rewrite