8. FAQs
8.1. Is there a version of Zinc based on non-LTS Ubuntu releases?
No. Ubuntu’s non-LTS releases must be upgraded every 9 months after they reach end-of-life, which makes them unsuitable as a daily driver.
Ubuntu’s LTS releases can be used for up to 10 years without having to upgrade to the next release. It also receives better support from third-party software vendors.
8.2. Is there a way to upgrade to the next non-LTS Ubuntu release?
You can use the upgrade methods provided by Ubuntu.
8.3. No display after resume from suspend
If you have an Nvidia graphics card and you are using the Nvidia 510 driver, then you may get a blank display after resuming from suspend.
Install the older Nvidia 470 drivers, remove the Nvidia 510 drivers, and reboot to fix the issue.
sudo apt install -y nvidia-driver-470
sudo apt autoremove --purge -y nvidia-driver-510